His room is 8'x8'. The walls are 6' high with 4'x8' plywood nailed horizontal which hanges from the top of the wall leaving 2' below open. This two foot gap allows huge drafts to blow through the rooms and (moon dust) sand to make its home on and in everything. There is no door and that is why you see a sleeping bag haning on the wall. Dan hoped it would unzip all the way but it didn't so he had to add the sheet to cover the gap. There are eight rooms. One of the other guys in the tent is a carpenter and has access to building materials. He just got back from vacation so Dan and his friends have been keeping a list of needs. I expect some heavy bartering to going on!
Dan recently went "dumpster diving" to retrieve what ever he can find to fill in the two foot gap. As you would expect cardboard is a awesome find. He told me he couldn't believe what people throw away and was excited to retrieve two rugs, a fan, a shelf that he turned into a armour, plywood and cardboard, he also found some 3/4 PVC for towel rack. He checked out a cordless drill and cordless saw from the tool room to build most of his room. He and John had a half day off for the New Years holiday and it was "Extreme Tent Makeover".
Dan is always on the look out to upgrade his space!
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